


You can act as a class parent, field trip chaperone, creative assistant for plays, or resident expert about a particular subject under inquiry in the classroom. You can bake a cake, plan a class party, or help with class projects. Serving on a committee is another valuable way to help. There are always groups of parents planning and orchestrating events—from the annual fundraiser to the book fair—that benefit the school.

When you volunteer, the school clearly gains, but so do you! You can learn about the school, from the inside out. You get to know the other parents at the school—and not just the ones from your class. Finally, volunteering expresses a profound commitment to your child’s daily life, and you set an example for your children that giving time and support is an important value.

Please don’t be shy! If your schedule makes it possible for you to attend Parent’s Association meetings, they are a wonderful way to find out what volunteering options are out there at any given time. For more information, please contact the Parents’ Association President, Amanda Ruane, about volunteering on a committee or in fundraising. We hope to see you soon!